Ricks Corner At The Academy

Posted by Rickster on August 9, 2015 in General Notifications |

So I got clearance from the “Boss Lady” to have my own little corner of the world here at the Academy to help in website problems, questions, tech support, projects etc.  We get some questions from time to time about site navigation, things that you would like to see changed, etc.

Feel free to comment on any post and give me a day sometimes two, to get back to you with an answer to your question, or need some help with something. I will always try to answer in a post, that way everyone can see the answer. Someone else might be experiencing the same problems or have the same questions.

Also I am going to start something new in getting some of these fabulous teachers to answer 5 questions in a ongoing segment to allow attendees to get to know the teachers a little better before Academy. Maybe we can do a little arm twisting and get one of them to write us a small article about what they would like to see from students.  Feel free to suggest a question for any of the teachers, they are some of the nicest people you could ever meet.

Barbara and I are always willing to help when we can, and live by the idea God gave us two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.

If you need to contact me directly there is a contact form that will email me in the main menu at the top of the page. So if you need any type of tech support for the Academy of Applique feel free to stop by Ricks Corner.


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